I meant to post this a few days ago, as its almost an adjunct to Dana Hyman’s FB posts of horrible car parking incidents but…get a load of this at my office: Notice anything odd about this pic of a dumpster gone diagonal in two parking spots? You might have to look close at the ground. Oh hell, like the post title doesn’t give it away, but this is.. Read More
The Geek on Wheels finally has his wheels!
After seven long months, four trial chairs, five (or was it six, I’ve lost count) attempts at delivering it with the wrong parts, and three days of grouching at a company, I now finally have…my very own light cycle. No wait. Damn, sorry, I have the Tron soundtrack playing. I meant wheelchair. Though admittedly…a light cycle would really be cool, wouldn’t it? (and yes I did enjoy the last Tron.. Read More